Dec 2, 2011

Increasingly, Ichibay big into kandouko (sake warmer)

I wrote about the kandouko sake warmer in a post little time ago, and recently I bought another kandouko in an Internet auction. So, I have two such articles now, and since each one has a sake serving capacity just for two or three drinkers, having two probably allows me to hold a home drinking party for five to six people (I often drink in a group of five or six drinkers).

Anyway, I carried out a test run of my new kandouko.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I shot video of this test run and made a short movie.

I, who want to introduce warmed sake culture to people all over the world, give explanation of this kandouko in Russian in this movie. One of the preconceptions about Russians prevailing among people is that they are heavy drinkers. So, this time, I decided to make a movie in Russian language so that Russian-speaking people could learn some knowledge about sake. As a matter of fact, the language is not a big issue about this video, which is a good point of many video works. You know, this video is quite comprehensible. You would understand what I am talking about even if I were speaking in Spanish, Thai, Japanese, Chinese, or whatever language in this video.

By the way, I made a successful bid for this beautiful, tasteful article with an old wooden box only for JPY 3900. I think I was very lucky.

This kandouko has rather a shallow brazier with a relatively large caliber, burning charcoal well and heating sake quickly beyond my expectation. Probably, the rounded shape of the device cuts the water capacity, contributing to shortening of the time for warming water and sake. This is an easy-to-use kandouko.


the soul of japan said...

Great video Ichibay!

いちべー said...

Thank you Tony-san!

Armands said...

Very nice! It seems usefull and atractive item indeed. But - I would be sure about Russians, they prefer much more hard drink (vodka) and sake for them are not strong enough. And the another problem is kind of sake you could buy outside Japan: almoust always more than 1 years old and kept in light and warm place...

いちべー said...

Thank you for the comment.
Russians shall not live by vodka alone.
Indeed, many of the Russian people I know like drinking sake and beer as well as vodka.
And, I hope storage conditions of sake outside Japan will be improved soon.

Anonymous said...


Do you worry about the smoke from the kandouko when you use it inside?

Thank you!


いちべー said...


No problem! The kandouko uses charcoal, and charcoal fumes a little at the beginning but later hardly. So, I set fire to charcoal outside or in some place with good ventilation.

Anonymous said...

Thank you!
